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OTK .az - Onlayn testlər və imtahanlar üçün ən yaxşı platforma


What is and how to use it?

If you are a student or a teacher in Azerbaijan, you might have heard of, an online platform that offers various online tests and exams for different levels and subjects. But what exactly is and how can you use it to improve your knowledge and skills? In this article, we will answer these questions and more, and show you how to make the most of this useful tool.


Online testing and assessment is becoming more popular and convenient in the era of digitalization and remote learning. Online tests can help you measure your progress, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and prepare for exams in a flexible and interactive way. However, finding reliable and relevant online tests can be challenging, especially if you are looking for tests that match the curriculum and standards of your country.

otk .az

What is is an online platform that provides online tests and exams for students and teachers in Azerbaijan. was launched in 2017 by the State Examination Center (SEC) of Azerbaijan, in collaboration with the "Abituriyent" journal, a leading educational publication in the country. aims to help students and teachers improve their knowledge and skills in various subjects and levels, as well as prepare for exams such as the graduation exam (qəbul imtahanı), the admission exam (buraxılış imtahanı), the state service exam (dövlət qulluğu imtahanı), the master's degree exam (magistratura imtahanı), the doctoral degree exam (doktorantura imtahanı), and the residency exam (rezidentura imtahanı).

Why use offers many benefits for students and teachers who want to enhance their learning outcomes and performance. Here are some of the reasons why you should use

otk .az onlayn sınaq imtahanı platforması

otk .az buraxılış imtahanı qəbul imtahanının I mərhələsi

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  • offers a wide range of online tests and exams for different subjects, levels, and categories, covering the curriculum and standards of Azerbaijan.

  • provides interactive and user-friendly features, such as instant feedback, explanations, hints, timers, scores, statistics, rankings, certificates, etc.

  • allows you to access online tests anytime and anywhere, using any device with an internet connection.

  • helps you practice your test-taking skills, improve your speed and accuracy, identify your gaps and mistakes, and monitor your progress.

  • prepares you for exams by simulating the format, content, difficulty, and duration of real exams.

  • supports your learning by providing resources and materials such as textbooks, journals, videos, articles, etc.

How to register and log in to

To use, you need to register an account and log in to the platform. The registration and login process is simple and fast.

Registration process

To register an account on, follow these steps:

  • Go to website.

  • Click on the "Qeydiyyat" button on the top right corner of the homepage.

  • Fill in the registration form with your personal information, such as name, surname, email address, phone number, password, etc.

  • Agree to the terms and conditions and click on the "Qeydiyyatdan keç" button.

  • Check your email inbox for a confirmation link and click on it to activate your account.

  • Congratulations, you have successfully registered an account on!

Login process

To log in to your account on, follow these steps:

  • Go to website.

  • Click on the "Daxil ol" button on the top right corner of the homepage.

  • Enter your email address and password and click on the "Daxil ol" button.

  • You are now logged in to your account and can access all the features and functions of

How to choose and take online tests on

Once you have registered and logged in to your account, you can start choosing and taking online tests on The platform offers a variety of online tests for different subjects, levels, and categories, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, history, geography, literature, language, logic, general knowledge, etc. You can also find online tests for specific exams, such as the graduation exam, the admission exam, the state service exam, the master's degree exam, the doctoral degree exam, and the residency exam.

Categories of online tests organizes its online tests into four main categories:

  • İmtahanlar: This category contains online tests that simulate real exams in terms of format, content, difficulty, and duration. You can choose from various exams such as the graduation exam, the admission exam, the state service exam, the master's degree exam, the doctoral degree exam, and the residency exam. You can also filter the tests by subject, level, year, and language.

  • Sınaqlar: This category contains online tests that are shorter and easier than real exams. You can choose from various subjects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, history, geography, literature, language, logic, general knowledge, etc. You can also filter the tests by level and language.

  • Məntiq: This category contains online tests that measure your logical thinking and reasoning skills. You can choose from various types of questions such as analogies, sequences, patterns, classifications, deductions, etc. You can also filter the tests by difficulty and language.

  • Bilgələr: This category contains online tests that test your general knowledge and trivia about various topics such as culture, art, science, sports, history, geography, politics, entertainment, etc. You can also filter the tests by difficulty and language.

How to select a test

To select a test on, follow these steps:

  • Go to website and log in to your account.

  • Click on the "Testlər" button on the top menu of the homepage.

  • Choose one of the four categories of online tests: İmtahanlar, Sınaqlar, Məntiq, or Bilgələr.

  • Browse through the available tests and use the filters to narrow down your options.

  • Click on the test that you want to take and read the instructions and information about the test, such as the number of questions, the time limit, the passing score, etc.

  • Click on the "Testə başla" button to start the test.

How to answer the questions

To answer the questions on, follow these steps:

  • Read the question carefully and try to understand what it is asking.

  • Look at the possible answers and eliminate the ones that are clearly wrong or irrelevant.

  • Choose the best answer among the remaining options and click on it.

  • If you are not sure about the answer, you can use the "İpucu" button to get a hint or the "Keç" button to skip the question and come back to it later.

  • If you want to change your answer, you can click on another option or use the "Ləğv et" button to clear your choice.

  • When you have answered all the questions or run out of time, you can click on the "Testi bitir" button to finish the test.

How to check the results and feedback

To check the results and feedback on, follow these steps:

  • After finishing the test, you will see a summary of your performance, such as your score, your rank, your time, your correct and incorrect answers, etc.

  • You can also see detailed feedback for each question, such as the correct answer, an explanation, a reference, a hint, etc.

  • You can review your answers and compare them with the correct ones by clicking on the "Cavabları göstər" button.

  • You can also see how other users performed on the same test by clicking on the "Statistika" button.

  • You can download or print your certificate of completion by clicking on the "Sertifikat" button.

How to prepare for exams with is not only a platform for taking online tests, but also a platform for preparing for exams. offers various tips and tricks for exam success, as well as resources and materials that can help you study and revise effectively.

Tips and tricks for exam success provides useful advice and guidance for students who want to ace their exams. Here are some of the tips and tricks that you can find on

  • Plan your study schedule: Make a realistic and flexible plan for your study time, allocate enough time for each subject and topic, prioritize your tasks, set goals and deadlines, and stick to your plan.

  • Use active learning strategies: Don't just read or memorize information, but try to understand and apply it. Use techniques such as summarizing, paraphrasing, questioning, explaining, comparing, contrasting, etc. to enhance your comprehension and retention.

  • Practice with online tests: Take advantage of's online tests to practice your test-taking skills and improve your knowledge and skills in various subjects. Use online tests as a form of self-assessment, feedback, and learning. Take online tests regularly, review your results and feedback, and learn from your mistakes.

  • Review and revise your notes: Review your notes frequently and revise them periodically. Use techniques such as highlighting, underlining, annotating, outlining, mapping, etc. to organize and summarize your notes. Make sure your notes are clear, concise, and accurate.

  • Use resources and materials: Use various resources and materials to supplement your notes and online tests. Use textbooks, journals, videos, articles, etc. to get more information and perspectives on the topics you are studying. Use's resources and materials to find relevant and reliable sources.

  • Prepare for the exam format: Familiarize yourself with the format, content, difficulty, and duration of the exam you are taking. Know what types of questions to expect, how to answer them, how to manage your time, how to mark your answers, etc. Use's online tests that simulate real exams to practice and prepare for the exam format.

Resources and materials available on provides various resources and materials that can help you study and revise effectively for your exams. Here are some of the resources and materials that you can find on

  • Textbooks: offers a collection of textbooks for different subjects and levels that match the curriculum and standards of Azerbaijan. You can download or read online the textbooks for free.

  • Journals: offers a collection of journals for different subjects and levels that provide useful information and insights on the topics you are studying. You can download or read online the journals for free.

  • Videos: offers a collection of videos for different subjects and levels that explain and illustrate the concepts and skills you need to master. You can watch online or download the videos for free.

  • Articles: offers a collection of articles for different subjects and levels that provide additional information and perspectives on the topics you are studying. You can read online or download the articles for free.

Conclusion is an online platform that provides online tests and exams for students and teachers in Azerbaijan. helps you improve your knowledge and skills in various subjects and levels, as well as prepare for exams such as the graduation exam, the admission exam, the state service exam, the master's degree exam, the doctoral degree exam, and the residency exam. also offers tips and tricks for exam success, as well as resources and materials that can help you study and revise effectively.

If you want to make the most of this useful tool, you need to register an account and log in to the platform. Then, you can choose and take online tests from four main categories: İmtahanlar, Sınaqlar, Məntiq, or Bilgələr. You can also check your results and feedback after taking online tests, as well as review your answers and compare them with other users. Finally, you can use's resources and materials to find textbooks, journals, videos, and articles that can supplement your online tests and notes. is a great platform for students and teachers who want to enhance their learning outcomes and performance. is easy to use, interactive, and convenient. is also reliable and relevant, as it matches the curriculum and standards of Azerbaijan. is not only a platform for taking online tests, but also a platform for preparing for exams. is your ultimate online testing and assessment tool.


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about

  • Is free?

Yes, is free for all users. You can register an account, take online tests, check results and feedback, and access resources and materials without paying any fees.

  • How can I contact

You can contact by using the "Əlaqə" button on the bottom menu of the homepage. You can also send an email to or call +994 12 510 10 10.

  • How can I update my profile information?

You can update your profile information by using the "Profil" button on the top right corner of the homepage. You can change your name, surname, email address, phone number, password, etc.

  • How can I reset my password?

You can reset your password by using the "Şifrəni unutmusan?" link on the login page. You will need to enter your email address and click on the "Yenilə" button. You will receive a link to reset your password in your email inbox.

  • How can I delete my account?

You can delete your account by using the "Hesabı sil" button on the profile page. You will need to enter your password and click on the "Təsdiqlə" button. You will receive a confirmation message that your account has been deleted.



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